Hexatec provides all these industrial equipment products along with Stability Chamber, BOD incubator, Dryer, Oven, Incubator, Autoclave, Deep Freezers, Muffle Furnace, Vertical Autoclave, Steam Sterilizer. A small unit may have heat applied from a direct flame or electrical resistance elements surrounding the pressure vessel. Larger units are most commonly heated by pressurized steam from a boiler or other steam generator.
The larger autoclaves can be needed to accommodate some of the components because of their sheer size. Autoclaves are also widely used to cure composites and in the vulcanization of rubber. The high heat and pressure that autoclaves allow help to ensure that the highest possible physical properties are repeatedly attainable.
Vertical Autoclave |
The verticle autoclave in rectangular style, supplied complete with vacuum breaker, water level indicator, steam trap and automatic pressure control switch. The whole unit is mounted on a robust tubular stand. While in cylindrical style, Whole unit is mounted on Mild Steel Tubular stands duly enamel Painted and boiler is provided with water level indicator. These Autoclaves are provided with automatic pressure switch/ Piezostat for controlling pressure at decided preset value. For more details please visit Hexatec products and its details available on its website.